2024 DonorsDiana Abouali Sanam Aldag Christina Arseneau Kristen Baggott Kristyn Balog Susan Bandes Bob Beatty Mallory Bower Lisa Craig Brisson Julie Bunke Robert Causley Timothy Chester Joe Cialdella Holly Cordill Malcolm Cottle Melanie Coughlin Depcinski Jason Dake Dave Dazer Caitlyn Perry Dial Eugene Dillenburg Eric Dougal Tami Fauver Suzanne Fischer Cathy Fitzpatrick Alex Flannery Sarah Gaynier Jennifer Giddings-Essenmacher Eric Gollannek Regina Gorham Martha Hauser Mark Heppner Sarah Humes Kris Ismail Brian Jaeschke Claire Johnston Christy Kincaid Erin Koren Dan Kroupa Emily Lanctot Megan McAdow Michelle McClellan Patrick McKay John Metcalf Dominick Miller Michael Mumaugh Nathan Nietering Megan Osetek Melanie Parker Shannon Pinkster Lisa Plank Leslie Ann Pilling Katie Prichard Maria Quinlan Leiby Angela Riedel Elana Rugh Jennifer Rupp Beth Russell Nathan Seeley Giles Simmer Bradley Taylor Tobi Voigt Larry Wagenaar Amy Walker Larry White Brittany Williams Ken Yarsevich Joel Zwart 2023 Scholarship DonorsSanam Aldag 2022 DonorsSanam Aldag Emily Lanctot
Michelle McClellen
Pat McKay Dominick & Becky Miller Jennifer Miller Megan Osetek Melanie Parker Shannon Pinkster Lisa Plank In celebration of the marriage of MMA board member Michelle McClellan and Rick Pearsall
2022 Scholarship DonorsThanks to our generous scholarship donors, we were able to award 10 scholarships to the 2022 conference!
2021 Donors$1000 or more $500-999 $100-499 Up to $100 | Sustaining MembersSustaining members of the Michigan Museums Association are individual members who make an additional donation of $70 when they join/renew their membership. Sanam Aldag Lisa Craig Brisson Nancy Bryk Julie Bunke Timothy Chester Caitlyn Perry Dial Lynne Friman Regina Gorham Nheena Ittner Ann Loshaw Melanie Parker Maria Quinlan Leiby Philip Sunderland Bradley Taylor Sarah Waters Gregory Wittkopp Ken Yarsevich MMA Endowment DonorsThese funds are held at the Capitol Region Community Foundation and donations are made directly to the foundation. Anonymous *Monthly donor Leadership CircleMembers of the Leadership Circle have donated at least $5,000 to MMA throughout their lifetime, including donations to operations, scholarship, or special projects or with donations to the endowment. Tim Chester and Henry Matthews Sandra and Michael Clark Bradley Taylor Ann Rock |